Walking In Mud
by Steve Giblin
with Jon Land
Walking In Mud, speaks to ten simple rules or guidelines on living a good life. These Ten Essential Qualities of an Underwater Demolition Man, penned in the 1950's by then Lieutenant Commander F.R. Kaine, are the things we all learned as children, were reminded of as young adults and forgot as grown adults.
This isn’t a “War Stories” book.
This is a book about Leadership and Followership.
It’s about dealing with issues when your world has gone sideways. It’s about relationships and suicide.
It’s about navigating the aftermath of the pandemic and COVID which we’re all tired of hearing about, but it’s still here.
This book is about living life in the “New Normal”,

The Ten Essential Qualities
of an Underwater Demolition Man
Author Steve Giblin has written a fascinating book on how to cope with the new normal we all find ourselves living due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Steve draws on his 37 years' experience as a Navy SEAL and DoD Civilian to offer wisdom to his readers on how to survive this new journey that the world has unwillingly embarked upon and survived, to a degree.
The Ten Essential Qualities of an Underwater Demolition Man. A single sheet of typewritten instructions from the 1950’s, this paper was written by a WWII era Navy Frogman, who was now Commander of Underwater Demolition Team 21. This single sheet of paper contained what he believed were the ten rules for living life, not just in the United States Navy Underwater Demolition Teams, but every day. This was for the men, Officers and Enlisted, to remind them of what his expectations were of them. From author Steven Giblin, 60 years later, this once forgotten page for living life as a U.S. Navy Frogman is captured in a book, post pandemic, and what everyone can learn from themselves, their leaders and the world.
what they're saying
In this absolute must read book, retired Navy SEAL Master Chief and Tier One operator Steve Giblin brings his 28 year SEAL Team career to the page to share insights and life lessons that everyone can learn and grow from in a world that has become increasingly insane. Inspired by the typewritten document, The Ten Essential Qualities of an Underwater Demolition Man, found left behind in an old desk by a SEAL Team commanding officer, Steve Giblin uses these tenets, and his personal lessons learned from a life very well lived, to expertly shares a path forward in a world that now challenges us in ways none could ever have imagined. Crystal clear, thought provoking, entertaining, and beyond all else, practical. Walking In Mud will leave you feeling like you’ve completed a masters seminar in living, and will arm you for any and every challenge life may bring. This book is a crash course on crushing anything life can throw at you!
~ Andrews and Wilson, Navy Veterans and #1 bestselling authors
Retired Navy SEAL Steve Giblin and award winning author Jon Land teamed up to write Walking In Mud.
I especially loved the prescription for healing sections at the end of each chapter giving readers guidance and hope dealing with many different situations. Our lives have deconstructed in many ways. Pride is a vital way to overcome it and I love the prescription for health focusing on mental health specialists as so many people have gone through numerous life changes as a result of this pandemic. Daily routines are different and not being able to physically reach out to loved ones as I know means we need as the authors pointed out creating new routines and using other ways to visually communicate.
Other important qualities were emphasized such as fairness and the definitions and examples of seamanship and don’t blame others for your mistakes plus they talked about women who serve and they faced and some still do plus don’t feel sorry for yourself and paramount find a mentor and rekindle special friendships benefitting both parties Steve expanded and explains the frogman rules and talking about the branches of the military and young people today who might want to enlist.
This is an impressive and insightful book that qualifies as a “must read” for all, and especially every SEAL operator and their families. As a former SEAL commanding officer, I especially applaud Steve Giblin’s explicit focus on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, suicides in the military, women in the military, and SEAL spouses and children. The entire book portrays facets of volunteer military life that are rarely seen or understood. “Walking in Mud” is not a title that might be associated with a college or university textbook, but this perceptive book qualifies. Although fitting, the title camouflages its content; the 10 rules for surviving are assured to be thought provoking and life changing.
~Tom Hawkins
Commander, USN (Ret.)
Commanding Officer UDT-22 & SDVT-2 and author of America's Hidden Heroes; The History and Evolution of U.S. Navy Frogmen & SEAL's
~Fran Lewis: Just Reviews

Steve Giblin, a proud New Mexico native, decided to join the Navy just two months after graduating high school at the tender age of 17. His parents were hoping for a four-year stint that would mature him and teach him a trade. Spoiler alert: it didn’t exactly go as planned.
Instead of a simple trade, Steve discovered the adrenaline-pumping world of SEAL Teams and Frogmen. With a twinkle in his eye and probably a “why not” attitude, he embarked on a journey that would take him far beyond his parents' expectations.
After a year in the fleet and touring the Western Pacific on the USS Ranger for 6 months, Steve got orders to BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training). There, he began to master the art of being a Frogman, a title that sounds way cooler than "plumber" or "electrician."
For the next 26 years, Steve bounced around the globe like a high-stakes game of hopscotch, conducting special operations, training with foreign special ops units, and waiting to jump into sensitive missions. His adventures included Central America’s Operation Just Cause, operations in Bosnia, Somalia (OEF), and Iraq (OIF), and even providing security for three Summer Olympic Games. Yes, he was practically the Navy SEAL version of Forrest Gump.
Steve also operated mini-wet-submersibles from submarines and surface ships, probably making James Bond jealous. He conducted over 1,200 military free-fall parachute jumps and had a blast (literally) blowing things up. He even spent 14 years with SEAL Team Six, the Navy’s elite of the elite in special operations, and served as Command Master Chief at two Naval Special Warfare commands. He rounded out his military and special operations active duty career back where it all began, at BUD/S, serving as a Phase Master Chief and then as Operations Master Chief.
After hanging up his frogman fins, Steve didn’t just kick back with a piña colada. He continued serving his community as a contractor and then in Government Civil Service for another nine years. With 37 years of combined service under his belt, Steve finally retired. His parents probably stopped holding their breath sometime around year 28.
Steve now operates Alpha Blue Consulting, LLC. A company with a cool logo and name that offers everything from guest speaking on ethics and virtues to leadership and followership.
That big guy standing next to Steve in the picture to the left is "Big Will". He's fighting glioblastoma, a form of fatal brain cancer. Will is featured in Walking In Mud and was a mentor to Steve for most of his career.
For any media inquiries, questions or thoughts on Walking In Mud, please contact Steve via LinkedIn or Facebook through direct messaging... OR use the "contact" link directly above this box.
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